How To Rehabilitate After COVID-19: 7 Important and Easy Rules That Can Save Your Life

Why should you give yourself time to get back from COVID-19? Even after the common flu, there is an increased risk of heart attack, pneumonia, and other infections. Strength and endurance are severely reduced. If you give yourself an excessive load during this period, the consequences can be the most catastrophic — up to disability and even death. Also, coronavirus can trigger the development of chronic fatigue syndrome (aka post-viral syndrome). This is a complex and not fully understood disease, in which a person feels as if he was disconnected from a power source: memory and attentiveness deteriorates sharply, the speed of reactions decreases. To reduce the risk, you need to give yourself time to recover from the coronavirus infection and, if possible, support the body with the help of some rehabilitation measures.

How can you get through rehabilitation after COVID-19 faster?

1. Sleep at least 8 hours 

Lack of sleep destroys: memory deteriorates, the concentration of attention and performance is reduced. Some studies prove that people who sleep less than six hours a night die from any health problem 12% more often than those who sleep eight. During rehabilitation after COVID-19, you do not need this risk. Get enough sleep. If you find it difficult to fall asleep, give up gadgets before bed: they only get in the way.

2. Limit loads

Both physical and mental. For example, with a post-viral syndrome, sports and the desire to lead an active lifestyle can significantly impair health. Therefore, give up the gym and jogging for at least a few weeks after you thought you had recovered.

3. Try to be less nervous 

Stress, like the COVID-19 itself, often provokes the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. And experiences and nervousness have a terrible effect on health. Often they are the ones that cause headaches, weakness, disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system and slow down recovery from illness. In this regard, try to create and follow your daily routine. It will make your life more measured, predictable, and less stressful.

4. Eat Well

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and other trace elements are the building blocks with which your body repairs the damage caused by the virus. Don’t leave your body without essential building materials. Limit your intake of sweets, soda, baked goods, and processed meats (sausages).

5. Drink plenty of water 

The norm for the average adult is at least 2.5 liters of water per day. Moisture can also be obtained from juicy vegetables and fruits, tea, coffee, and soups. But alcohol should be abandoned, at least for the period of recovery from an illness.

6. Get more rest 

This is the typical recommendation for recovering from any viral infection. Don’t overwork, don’t bring work home, rest and hang out with friends on weekends.

7. Stay in touch with the therapist 

This is especially important during the recovery period from COVID-19. You should be able to quickly contact and consult with a specialist if new or disturbing symptoms appear. The doctor will ask you about your well-being, conduct an examination and offer to pass some tests.
